Mezuzah Now Up

Now that I’m finally somewhat settled in my new home, I put up my Mezuzah last night. Three years ago My Mezuzah sent me a free one and I was holding onto it until I found home. I found home and I hung it on the door post leading up to the stairs that lead to our room.

The Joys of Still Being Unpacked

A month and a half into living here in Bridgeport, and our room is slowly coming together. I’ve had to pack my patience, even though at times it is difficult. A lot of clutter and I don’t like it.

David and I aren’t mechanically inclined. We had to build a lot of the furniture we ordered, the bed and dressers were easy enough that we could put it together. The bookshelf was not. We needed someone else to come in and do this.

While I’m not proud that I exploded on David, I didn’t want to wait extra days. I stormed home and tried to put it together, then quickly realized I couldn’t. I’m so thankful David didn’t say: “told you so.” He hired his friend Stephen to do it.

Stephen came on Thursday and he put it together. David also offered his assistance. When we start my scrapbook room, I told Stephen that he is hired to put together the shelving units. David hired him for the entertainment area.

We will be here for a long time and there is no rush. Most of the time, we all need help and we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for it.

Thankful Thursday 2 May 2024

Ah, the beginning of May! It’s been warm too, but there is a lot to be grateful for.

Yesterday one of the Attorneys gave me a ride home. She took the long way, so we could catch up some more since we never really get time in the office. I’m grateful for her and her friendship.

I’m also grateful for David, Mr. Bolton, Stephen, the two Christines, dad, and life. WHat are you thankful for?

David’s Birthday

David’s birthday was 26 April, but Jackie took me, Erich, and David to celebrate his birthday on the 27th. We went to Round 1 in Exton.

t’s an adult arcade and one of the ticket prizes is a KitchenAid mixer. David gave me his ticket card, so I’m going to keep going back to win that mixer. We are planning a date next month.

Final Day

Today is the final day of NaPoWriMo and Passover. My send off poem for the month of April.

We’ve reached the end,

hour 8, the brisket is almost done

and the matzo ball soup is simmering.

I set the table,

four places—

me, David, Erich,

our special guest: Elijah.

The door is ajar,

the end of Passover is warm,

children outside playing.

The timer buzzes,

brisket is done,

I scoop it out, carve.

I dress it with Pomegranates,

ladle the matzo soup into bowls.

David and Erich come barreling down,

their eyes light up with the feast,

they sit down and give thanks—

Elijah joins us,

the end of Passover,

the end of April—

so many blessings this month.

Our stomachs are full.

NaPoWriMo is now complete! My plan is to edit some of these poems, then write an introduction. I want to bind the collection into a chapbook, then put it into the time capsule we are making that will be a wedding gift to us from us. 

Passover 2024

We’re in the final day of Passover and Passover has been meaningful this year. David participated in the Stonewall Seder with me, and it was exciting having our first Seder as an engaged couple. I felt like Rabbi Jessica too. It also sparked conversation and reflection, which we both loved.

Tuesday’s Seder at TBA was so special. Lately, I’ve been attending Shabbat services on Zoom. I was seated with some of my favourite congregants and they asked me how I was doing. I told them that David proposed. They met David during Hanukkah and really loved chatting with him.

A lot of mazel Tovs and after the Seder, during our meal, I was asked when our big day was, and if we had any honeymoon plans.
David and I talked about going to Japan. We would both love to see Japan when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Mr. Hartwig suggested Okinawa. I told him that Pop-Pop was in the Air Force during Vietnam and he was stationed there for a few years. Mom was too young to remember it, but my aunts remember some things.

Mr. Hartwig was in Okinawa in the early 70s, he worked as a doctor. He was telling me his stories about when he was over there, when Okinawa went from American hands back to Japanese hands. They were terrified and he helped a bit with the transition. I’m so glad he shared that story with me.

The Rabbi was also happy to see me. She’s so happy for David and I, she’s also happy to hear that move in went smoothly, the transition is going well too. She told me that she was worried about me in my old living conditions, and she’s happy that I’m having my own Passover this year, free from drama.

Thankful Thursday 18 April 2024

Halfway through April already? 5 days will be a month since I moved in, things are going relatively well, and I have a lot to be grateful for.

On Sunday, County Christine had a mini-engagement shoot for us. We went to Black Rock Sanctuary in Phoenixville and it was such a lovely location. When David gives me the ring, I want to go back there. Two engagements. 🙂 I’m thankful for Christine and I’m thankful that she is patient with me.

After, David and I had an engagement dinner at P.F. Chang’s. He ran into his old co-workers and he introduced me as his fiance. His friends and old-coworkers congratulated us and gave us a discount. The food was delicious too.

When we got home, we had a gift waiting for us. It was an engagement and moving in gift from my cousin Maddie and her husband, Max. It was such a lovely and thoughtful gift, I’m so thankful.

Of course, I am grateful for David, my dad, Mr. Bolton, Erich, and everyone else in my life. What are you grateful for today?

Sometimes Doing the Best Thing For Yourself is Hard

I just left the library. After almost 18 years, I quit. The library changed too much and we no longer had a working relationship. It was a difficult decision, but the best one, and it’s okay to be sad. I will always remember the good times and I did learn a lot while I was there.

I want to focus on my full-time job, my passion project of the Happiness Box, and I want to focus on my next chapter with David. I want to focus on things that bring me joy and growth.